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How time flies

 Hey, it's surprisingly towards the end of 2024. I'm currently free at the moment, and remembered I actually own a blog. Revisiting this site feels awkward, because it used to have such a cute theme, with many, many sparkly & animating widgets. You know, that's all my focus went when I was in elementary school. It was a really popular trend back then. So, hi! I'm in my mid-twenties now, and grateful that I still can log into this account (just bcs I usually  have memory of a goldfish). There's soooooooo much unpublicized stories, lessons and adventures. I envy Atiqah for keeping her blog updated, that's self care! (I used to keep my friends' blog links but guess I've lost them all) I'll just simply mention what had been happening during these past few years. All in all, the most remarkable event is... we lost Ayah. His cancer was very aggressive & definitely took the best out of him, but we're thankful that we tried everything we could fo...

Catatan Terbaharu

tips bila hampir spm

how's life? (( throwback 2016 )) form 5 life, senior year